Bei uns müsste dieses beliebte Zitat aus dem Gedicht “Stufen” von Hermann Hesse eher umgekehrt heißen: Und jedem Zauber liegt ein neuer Anfang inne. Es war ein ziemlich böser Zauber, der uns da am 5. Dezember ereilte. Unsere Website war…
Aus dem Verlagsleben (page 47)
The Mysterious Island
Few can possibly have forgotten the terrible storm from the northeast, in the middle of the equinox of that year.
The Underground City
H2 heading The engineer’s curiosity was excited to the highest pitch. It never occurred to him to doubt whether this letter might not be a hoax. For many years he had known Simon Ford, one of the former foremen of…
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
It contained about a hundred of these lines, with the letters at even distances, and undivided into words.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
The End of a much-applauded Speech. The Presentation of Dr. Samuel Ferguson. Excelsior. Full-length Portrait of the Doctor. A Fatalist convinced. A Dinner at the Travellers’ Club. Several Toasts for the Occasion.
Master of the World
In the remarkable passages of the recital, it is important that you should believe my word. For some of the facts I can bring no other testimony than my own.